
About The Administrator/Owner: Mario2903

Mario2903's Profile Picture 
Hi, I'm Mario2903. The administrator/founder of the site. I live in Toronto. Ontario. Canada and as you could see, I love to blog. My first experience with blogging was for Disney's Club Penguin and since today i still blog about Club Penguin on other sites. Now, i took a step further with blogging and created this website, NewsNet . I hope to continue my experiences with creating websites and get a job when I'm older. I enjoy talking to my online friends on Twitter, Facebook, and lots more. I hope you had a good time reading my short Biography. If you want to know more about me, Follow me on twitter at @iMario2903.

About the Co-Owner: Freddy77
Freddy77's Profile Picture
Hey! I'm Freddy77. I work here as a Co-Owner for NewsNet . I live in Toronto, Ontario and go to the same school as Mario2903. I have lots of experiences blogging for Club Penguin, Minimonos, and lots more sites. I gave up on Blogging experiences on Vitual Worlds to join Mario2903 on his Website. I love to make videos and code a bit on different sites time to time. I hope you enjoy your stay here at NewsNet. Have a awesome day!