Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about our site and what we do:

Q. Who are we?
We are 'NewsNet' brought to you by PremiumBloggerTemplates.com and Mario2903. Here, we give you the best World Wide News on what's going on. This includes: Sports, Politics, Internet related, and many more. 

Q. Can I work for NewsNet?
We are currently not hiring at this moment, since we are a very new site we think we will wait when the time is right. But if we do hire, you must be over the age 14+ to make news. This means good grammer, useful information, and lots more.

Q. Is it safe to donate to NewsNet?
It is 100% safe to donate for our website. When you donate, you give us the opportunity to make our site better. Such as: Longer last of Domain, sponsoring our site on others, and lots more.

Q. Where can contact the Administrator?
Contact Mario2903 at cp_mario2903@hotmail.com or on Twitter @iMario2903